
開始日期 2016/08/17 更新日期:2022/09/24



bridge gantry crane (橋型吊運機)

bridge-type bucket wheel reclaimer (橋式輪斗取料機)

cargo winch (吊貨絞車)

collapsible container (可摺貨櫃)

container corner fitting (貨櫃角隅裝置)

container chassis (貨櫃車架)

container crane (貨櫃起重機)

container spreader (貨櫃吊盤)

container terminal(container berth,貨櫃碼頭)

conveyor (輸送帶)

crawler crane (履帶起重機)

derrick (吊桿)

derrick crane (轉臂起重機船,jib crane)

dry cargo container (乾貨貨櫃)

flat bed container (平板貨櫃)

fork lift truck (堆高機)

freight container (貨櫃)

grab bucket (抓斗)

grab-type unloader(抓斗式卸料機)

hopper container (斗狀貨櫃)

insulated container (隔熱貨櫃)

lifting gate(升吊式閘門)

lifting magnet (磁力吸鐵器)

open top container (無頂貨櫃)

Pallet (墊板)

pallet truck (手搖叉動車)

pneumatic unloader (空氣式卸料機)

Quay (Wharf, Dock, Pier,碼頭,岸壁)

rack container (框架貨櫃)

refrigerated container (冷藏貨櫃)

rough terrain crane(輪胎式起重機)

side door container (側門貨櫃)

side loader (側載機,side fork lift)

straddle carrier (跨運機)

tank container (油罐貨櫃)

tractor (牽引車)

trailer (拖車)

transfer crane (移載機,transtainer)

truck crane (起重卡車)

truck-mounted container crane (車載貨櫃起重機)

ventilated container (通風貨櫃)

wall crane (壁上起重機)



approach channel(進港航道)

anchor light(碇泊燈)

anchorage area(錨泊區)

area to be avoided(避航區)

automatic sound buoy自響浮標(自響浮標)

branch channel(支航道)

cable buoy電纜浮標(電纜浮標)

deep water route(深水航道)

exterior channel(外航道)

inshore traffic zone(近岸通航帶)

interior channel(內航道)

leading light(light beacon,導航燈)

light house(燈塔)

light vessel(燈船)


lock entrance(船閘進路)

lock gate(閘門)

main channel(主航道)

mid-channel buoy (航道中心線浮標)

middle-ground buoy (灘頭浮標)

miter gate(人字式閘門)

mooring with two anchors(雙錨停泊)

narrow channel(狹窄水道)

navigation aid(導航設施)

navigation buoy (浮標)

navigating channel(航道,fairway)

position buoy (位置浮標)

precautionary area(警戒區)

radar navigation aid(雷達導航設施)

radar reflector(雷達反射器)

radar tower(雷達導航塔)

recommended route(建議航道)

rolling gate(滑動式閘門)


routing system(設定航道系統)

signal station (信號台)

single buoy mooring(單浮標泊)

separation line(separation zone,分道線,隔離區)

swinging mooring(單錨停泊)

traffic lane(通航道)

traffic separation scheme(分道航行設計)

turning basin(迴船池)

two-point mooring(double buoy mooring,雙浮標泊)

two-way route(雙向航道)

typhoon signal(颱風訊警報台)

VTMS(Vessel Traffic Management System,船舶交通管理系統)

VTS(Vessel Traffic Services,船舶交通服務)

watch buoy示位浮標(示位浮標)

wreck buoy沉船浮標(沉船浮標)



basic plan of harbor(港灣基本計畫)

classification of harbor planning(港灣計畫分類)

commercial harbor in Taiwan(台灣商港)

contents of harbor planning(港灣規劃內容)

current situation of local area(地域現況)

current situation of logistics(物流現況)

dead weight tonnage (重量噸數, 載重噸數)


displacement tonnage(排水噸數)


environmental impact assessment of harbor(港灣環境影響評估)

Fishing Port Act(漁港法)

fishery port in Taiwan(台灣漁港)


full draft (full load draft, 滿載吃水)

functions of harbor(港灣功能)

gross tonnage(總噸數)

goal of harbor planning(港灣規劃目的)

guidelines of harbor planning(港灣規劃基本方針)



kinds of harbor plan(港灣計畫種類)

layout of harbor facilities(港灣設施配置規劃)

light draft (light load draft, 空載吃水)

load line mark(載重線標誌)

management of harbor planning(港灣管理營運規劃)

measurement tonnage(volumetric tonnage, registered tonnage,容積噸數)

net tonnage (純噸數, 淨噸數)

plan of individual harbor(各港計畫)

prediction of requirement(預估需求)

purposes of harbor planning(港灣規劃目的)

Regulations on the Implementation of Fishing Ports Act(漁港法施行細則)

scale of harbor plannig(港灣規劃規模設定)

The Commercial Port Law(商港法)


design criterion of breakwater(防波堤設計條件)

fundamental policy of breakwater design(防波堤設計基本方針)

layout of breakwater(防波堤配置)

selection of type of breakwater(選定防波堤結構型式)


thermal power conversion(溫差發電)

tidal current power conversion(潮流發電)

tidal power conversion(潮汐發電)

wave power conversion(波力發電)



Andoc platform (Andoc型作業平台)

bottom-fixed offshore structure(着底式海洋結構物)

bottom-seated power plant(着底式發電廠)

concrete platform(混凝土平台)

Condeep Platform (Condeep 型作業平台)

Doris platform (Doris 型作業平台)

floating power plant barge(浮遊式發電廠)

floating-type offshore structure(浮體式海洋結構物)

free-floating-type offshore structure(自由浮遊式結構物)

gravity-type concrete offshore structure(重力式混凝土海洋結構物)

gravity-type offshore structure(重力式海洋結構物)

guide tower-type platform(導塔式平台)

jack-up platform(self-elevated movable platform,自己昇降型平台)

leg-type offshore structure(有腳式海洋結構物)

man-made island(artificial island,人工島)

marine petroleum storage facilities(海上石油儲備設施)

ocean energy(海洋能源)

offshore plants(海上發電廠)

oil drilling facilities(石油挖鑿設施)

oil drilling platform(石油挖鑿用平台)

oil drilling rig(石油挖鑿鑽塔)

offshore plants(海上發電廠)

permeable gravity-type offshore structure(透水性重力式海洋結構物)

polygonal-floating offshore structure(多角形浮體結構物)

sea berth(海上船席)

Sea Tank Platform(Sea Tank型平台)

semi-submersible oil drilling rig(半潛式石油挖鑿鑽塔)

semi-submersible vessel(半潛式作業平台)

steel jacket-type platform(套管式平台)

steel jacket-type structure(鋼套管結構物)

steel pipe pile-type offshore structure(鋼管樁海洋結構物)

storage facilities(儲藏設施)

structure with wide footing on soft ground(軟弱地盤着底式結構物)

template type structure(導管型結構物)

tension leg-type oil drilling rig(張力腳石油挖鑿鑽塔)

tension leg-type platform(張力腳式平台)

tower-type structure(塔型結構物)

transportable platform(移動式平台)

underwater storage(海中儲藏)



amenity-oriented seawall(親水護岸)

armoring work on crown(堤頂被覆工)


caisson-type seawall(沉箱護岸)

cellular-type bulkhead(圓筒護岸)

concrete block type bulkhead(消波塊被覆護岸)


foot protection(護基工)

gentle slope-type revetment(緩傾斜護岸)

gravity-type revetment(重力式護岸)


rubble mound seawall(拋石護岸)


slope-type revetment(傾斜護岸)

steel-pile seawall(板樁護岸)

step-type revetment(階梯護岸)

stone piled revetment(堆石護岸)

stone pitched revetment(砌石護岸)

wave absorbing upright seawall(直立消波式護岸)

wave return works(返波工)



caisson type pier(沉箱式碼頭)

cantilever sheet pile type pier(自立式板樁碼頭)

cast in place concrete pier(現場灌製混凝土碼頭)

cellular type pier(圓筒式碼頭)

concrete block type pier(方塊式碼頭)

concrete crib type pier(空心方塊式碼頭)

double sheet pile type pier(雙重板樁式碼頭)

gravity type pier(重力式碼頭)

L-block type pier(L型塊式碼頭)

open caisson type pier(開底沉箱式碼頭)


relieving platform pile type pier(平版樁基式碼頭)

steel plate cellular cofferdam type pier(鋼板圓筒式碼頭)

steel pipe bulkhead type pier(鋼管樁岸壁式碼頭)

sheet-pile type pier(板樁式碼頭)

sheet pile type pier with anchored piles(錨碇樁式碼頭)

sheet pile pier with batter anchor piles(斜樁錨碇式板樁碼頭)

sheet pile pier with batter piles in front(前斜樁式板樁碼頭)

sheet pile type pier with anchored plates(錨碇版式碼頭)

steel sheet pile cellular cofferdam type pier(鋼板樁圓筒式碼頭)

 upright wave dissipating type pier(直立消波式碼頭)




bulk cargo pier(散貨碼頭)

car ferry terminal(渡輪碼頭)

general cargo terminal(雜貨碼頭)

lumber pier (木材碼頭, lumber wharf)


detached pier(離岸式碼頭)

dock-type wharf(船塢式碼頭)

double jetty-type pier(雙子式碼頭)

fan-shaped wharf(扇形碼頭)

jetty-type pier(突堤式碼頭)

parallel wharf(平行式碼頭)

     棧  橋


pillar quay(橫棧橋)

pontoon (floating pier,浮棧橋)

trestle type pier with vertical piles(直樁棧橋)

trestle type pier with battered piles(斜樁棧橋)

R.C. trestle type pier(鋼筋混凝土樁棧橋)

steel-pipe trestle type pier(鋼管樁棧橋)

braced cylinder type pier(樁基圓柱式棧橋)

bridge type pier(橋式棧橋)


gravity fender(重力式防舷材)

inflatable rubber fender(充氣式防舷材)

oil jack fender(油壓式防舷材)

pile fender(樁式防舷材)

rubber fender(橡皮防舷材)

wharf fender(防舷材)



anchor block sinker(沉錘)



counter fort(扶壁)



floating chain(浮體鍊, rising chain)

lighter's wharf (裝卸場,小型船停船場)

mooring buoy(繫船浮標)

mooring chain(繫留鍊)

mooring facilities(繫船設施)

mooring ring(繫船環)

multiple points mooring buoy(多點繫留浮標)

offshore oil-unloading buoy(離岸卸油浮筒)


ring joint(連接環)

sheet pile(板樁)

sheet pile anchorage(板樁錨碇)


single point mooring buoy(單點繫留浮標)

sinker chain(沉錘鍊, ground chain)

tie rod(拉桿)




after breast(船尾橫索)

after spring(船尾斜索)

bow breast(船首橫索)

bow line(船首索)

bow spring(船首斜索)

mooring line(繫留索)

stern line(船尾索,after line)



damage ratio(破壞率)

Goda's formula(合田公式)

Hiroi's formula(廣井公式)

Hudson's formula (Hudson公式)

KD value(穩定係數KD)

Minikin's formula (Minikin公式)

safety factor against sliding(滑動安全率)

safety factor against overturning(轉倒安全率)

Sainflou's formula (Sainflou 公式)

stability weights of armor unit on single layer slope


stability weights of armor unit on double layers slope with slope 1:1.5


stability weights of armor unit on slope of composite type breakwater


stability weights of rubble foundation of composite type breakwater


stability number(安定數)

stability weights of armor unit on detached breakwater or reef




armor units(被覆工)

armor block(被覆塊)

armor stone(被覆石)

armoring materials of slope(斜面被覆材)

asphalt mat(瀝青墊)

bottom slab(底版)

breakwater body(堤身)



capping concrete(現場澆製混凝土)

celling slab(上床版)

concrete lid(封頂混凝土)

concrete block(混凝土方塊)


deformed concrete caisson(異型沉箱)


foot protection(護基,護根)

foot protection of slope(坡防滑)


foundation works(基礎工)

gravel mat(礫石墊)

hybrid caisson(混合沉箱)

irregular placing(亂拋,riprap)


mound armor units(基座被覆材)

outer wall(外牆)

partition wall(隔牆)

permeable wall(透水壁)

precast concrete armor unit(消波塊)

regular placing(整拋)

rubble mound(拋石基座)

sand mastic(砂石膠泥)


scour protection works(防止吸出工, 防止掏空工)

slit wall(縫隙壁)


slope gradient(坡度)

slope protection(坡面保護)

toe of slope(end of slope,坡趾)

vertical slit caisson(縱縫隙沉箱)

wave dissipating chamber(靜波室)

wave dissipating works(消波工)



caisson breakwater(沉箱式直立堤)

caisson composite type breakwater(沉箱式合成堤)


cellular concrete block composite type breakwater(混凝土空心方塊合成堤)

cellular concrete block upright breakwater(混凝土空心方塊式直立堤)

cellular type breakwater(圓筒式直立堤)

composite type breakwater(合成堤)

composite type breakwater with concrete block(混凝土方塊式合成堤)

composite type breakwater with dissipating concrete blocks(消波塊式合成堤)

concrete block breakwater(混凝土方塊式防波堤)

curtain wall-type breakwater(帷幕式防波堤)

curved slit caisson breakwater(曲面裂縫沉箱式防波堤)

deep water breakwater(大水深防波堤)

detached breakwater(離岸堤)

dual cylindrical caisson breakwater(雙圓筒沉箱堤)

floating breakwater(浮式防波堤)


horizontal slit caisson breakwater(橫縫隙沉箱堤)

hydraulic breakwater(水流式防波堤)

mass concrete block breakwater(混凝土單塊式直立堤)

multi-cellular caisson breakwater(多重中空沉箱堤)

permeable breakwater(porous breakwater,透水性防波堤)

pipe-pile type breakwater(鋼管椿式防波堤)

plate type breakwater(平板式防波堤)

pneumatic breakwater(空氣式防波堤)

riprapped concrete block breakwater(消波塊傾斜堤)

rock filled composite type breakwater(框石式合成堤)

round crown breakwater(半圓形防波堤)

rubble mound breakwater(拋石傾斜堤)


sheet-pile wall breakwater(板樁式防波堤)

sloping breakwater(傾斜堤)

sloping top caisson breakwater(上部斜面沉箱堤)

stone masonry composite type breakwater(堆石式合成堤)

stone pitching-type rubble mound breakwater(砌石傾斜堤)

submerged breakwater(潛堤)

sunken-ship breakwater(沉船防波堤)

trapezoidal caisson breakwater(梯形沉箱堤)

tsunami protection breakwater(海嘯防波堤)

upright breakwater(直立堤)

upright breakwater covered with wave dissipating concrete blocks(消波塊被覆堤)

upright breakwater with dissipating concrete blocks(消波塊式直立堤)

upright rock filled breakwater(框石式直立堤)

upright stone masonry breakwater(堆石式直立堤)

upright wave dissipating breakwater(直立消波防波堤)

wave breaker(碎波堤)

wave dissipating caisson breakwater(消波沉箱堤)

wave power extracting caisson breakwater(波力發電沉箱堤)



back gate chamber(後扉室)

front gate chamber(前扉室)


lift gate(上拉門)


lock chamber(閘室)

miter gate(斜接式門)

oil stopping dike(防油堤)

sector gate(扇形門)

separation levee(分流堤)

sliding gate(滑門)

tide barrier(防潮壁)

tide gate(防潮水門)

tide weir(防潮堰)


caisson-type jetty(沉箱式突堤)

cast-in-place concrete jetty(場鑄混凝土式突堤)

cellular concrete block-type jetty(圓筒混凝土塊式突堤)

concrete block-type groin(拋消波塊式突堤)

impermeable jetty(不透水性突堤)

L-shaped groin(L型突堤)

permeable jetty(透水性突堤)

pile-type jetty(樁式突堤)

rock-fill groin(框石式突堤)

rubble mound groin(拋石式突堤)

stone piled jetty(堆石式突堤)

stone pitched groin(砌石式突堤)

straight-type groin(直線型突堤)

T-shaped groin(T型突堤)

well-type jetty(井式突堤)



buttress-type revetment(扶牆式護岸)

cellular-type bulkhead(筒式護岸)

composite-type seawall(合成式護岸)

concrete armored bulkhead(混凝土被覆式護岸)

concrete block-pitched revetment(砌混凝土塊護岸)

concrete block type bulkhead(拋消波塊式護岸)

gentle slope-type revetment(緩傾斜式護岸)

gravity-type revetment(重力式護岸)

rock-fill revetment(框石式護岸)

rubble mound seawall(拋石式護岸)

sheet-pile bulkhead(板樁式護岸)

step-type revetment(階梯式護岸)

slope-type coastal revetment(傾斜式護岸)

slope-type front slope pavement(傾斜式表坡被覆工)

stone piled revetment(堆石式護岸)

stone pitched revetment(砌石式護岸)

upright seawall(直立式護岸)

upright-type front slope pavement(直立式表坡被覆工)

wave absorbing upright seawall(直立消波式護岸)



alignment of dike(堤防法線)

armoring work on crown(堤頂被覆工)


buttress-type coastal dike(扶牆式堤防)

buttress-type front slope pavement(扶牆式表坡被覆工)

composite-type dike(合成式堤防)

concrete armored coastal dike(混凝土被覆堤防)

concrete block foot-protection works(混凝土護基)

concrete block-pitched coastal dike(砌混凝土塊堤防)

crown height(堤頂高)

crown width(堤頂寬)


dike body(堤體)


filling works(中填工)

foot protection(護基工)

foundation works(基礎工)

frame-type slope(坡框式坡面)

front slope(表坡)

front slope pavement(表坡被覆工)

gravity-type coastal dike(重力式堤防)

gravity-type front slope pavement(重力式表坡被覆工)

landward slope()

landward slope catwalk(背平台)

landward slope pavement(坡被覆工)

outer waterside catwalk(表平台)


rubble mound foot-protection works(拋石護基)

scour protection(防止沖刷工)



slope-type coastal dike(傾斜式海岸堤防)


step-type coastal dike(階梯式堤防)

step-type slope(階梯式坡面)

stone piled dike(堆石式堤防)

stone piled front slope pavement(堆石式表坡被覆工)

stone pitched dike(砌石堤防)

stone pitched front slope pavement(石表坡被覆工)

toe of slope(坡趾)

upright dike(直立式海岸堤防)


     胸  牆

gravity-type parapet(重力式胸牆)

L-shaped gravity parapet(L型重力式胸牆)

L-shaped pile-supported parapet(L型樁式胸牆)

L-shaped steel sheet-pile-type parapet(L型鋼板樁式胸牆)

L-shaped parapet (L型胸牆)

monolith-type parapet(單塊式胸牆)


pile-supported parapet(樁式胸牆)

steel sheet-pile-type parapet(鋼板樁式胸牆)


block-type submerged breakwater(消波塊式潛堤)

continuous breakwater(連續堤)

continuous nourishment method(連續給砂法)

direct sand placing method(直接置砂法)

discontinuous breakwater(不連續堤)

flexible submerged breakwater(柔性結構潛堤)


headland control(陸岬工法)

height of backshore(後灘高度)

impermeable detached breakwater(不透水離岸堤)

membrane structure(膜結構)

permeable detached breakwater(透水離岸堤)

retarding basin(弄潮區)

sand bypassing method(砂迂迴法)

sand fill works(養灘工, artificial nourishment works)

sand fill method(養灘工法, artificial nourishment method)

sluice gate(排水門)

slope of foreshore(前灘坡度)

submerged breakwater with wide crown(寬幅潛堤)

width of sand fill(養灘寬度)



arc air gouging(電弧吹槽)

arc cutting(電弧切割)

arc welding(電弧焊接)


block system(分段焊接法)

carbon arc cutting(碳弧切割)

carbon-arc welding(碳弧電焊)

carry on charges blasting(直接放置炸藥爆破法)

drilling and blasting(鑽孔爆破法)

flame cutting machine(氧氣切割機)

flame gouging(火焰吹槽)

flame planer(火焰平板切割機)

gas welding(氣焊)

guided cutting apparatus(型導切割裝置)

portable automatic flame cutting machine(輕型自動氧氣切割機)

portable semi-automatic flame cutting machine(輕型半自動氧氣切割機)

shaped charges blasting(炸箱爆破法)

submerged arc welding (union melt welding,潛弧焊接)

under water cutting(水下截割)

under water welding(水下電焊)

X-ray inspection(X光檢查)


aggregate yard(石材堆放場)

booster equipment(加壓設備)

caisson slipway(沉箱滑道)

caisson yard(沉箱製作場)

concrete block yard(混凝土塊製作場)

concrete mixing-plant(混凝土拌合場)


dry dock(乾船塢)

floating dock(浮船塢)

guide pile and frame for sheet piling(板樁導樁導架)

moving formwork(活動模板)

sheet pile cofferdam(板樁圍堰)

wet dock(濕船塢)



broadside slipway(橫向滑道)

building slipway(造船滑道)

multiple slipway(多船位滑道)

longitudinal slipway(直向滑道)

radial slipway(放射滑道)

repairing slipway(修船滑道)

single slipway(單船位滑道)


slipway gantry crane(滑道高架起重機)


geological survey barge(地質調查船)

investigational research vessel(調查觀測船)

magnetometric sensing boat(掃雷船,磁力探測船)

oil fence boat(油索船)

oil recovery vessel(油回收船)

scavenger boat(清掃船)

supervision boat(監工船,安全監視船)

survey boat(測量船)

working vessels(作業船)

traffic boat(交通船)



backhoe dredger(dipper dredger,鏟斗式浚深船)

barge unloader(裝卸駁)

bucket dredger(鏈斗式浚深船)

deep sea jet-ejector dredger(穿越泥層挖砂機)


dredger cutter(絞刀)

dredger grab(浚深船抓斗)

dredger spud(棒錨)

floating mud-pipe joint(排砂管接頭)

forward stretching suction dredger(前伸吸管式浚深船)

grab dredger(抓斗式浚深船)

mobile pump dredger(可搬運幫浦浚深船)

mud pipe floater(排砂管浮體)

mud pipe-line(排砂管)

ozee dredger(軟泥浚挖船)

pump dredger(幫浦浚深船)

rock breaker(碎岩船)

stationary suction dredger(定位吸管式浚深船)

submerged pump(ladder pump,水下吸泥幫浦)

suction dredger(吸管式浚深)

trailing suction hopper dredger(後曳吸管式浚深船)

yardage meter(挖泥土量計)


anchor boat(起錨船)


barge with crawler crane(起重駁船)

carrier ship(搬運船)

diver boat(潛水伕船)

floating concrete mixing plant(混凝土拌和船)

floating crane(起重船,起重機船)

grab barge(非自航吊斗駁船,自備抓斗非自航搬運駁船)

grab carrier(吊斗船,自備抓斗自航搬運船)

pile driving barge(打樁船)

pneumatic transport barge(空氣壓送船)

power package vessel(發電船)

push boat(推船)

reclaimer barge(輸送帶船)

rubble dumping boat(拋石船,運石船)

sand carrier(運砂船)

sand compaction piling barge(砂壓縮椿船)

sand piling barge(砂椿船)

sand sprinkle barge(撒砂船)

Self Elevating Platform(SEP,昇降腳式海上作業平台)

soil carrier(運土船)

submarine pipeline layer(海底管線舖設船)

tugboat (拖船, tug)

underwater backhoe(水中鏟斗機)

water supply vessel(給水船)

working vessel for deep mixing(深層混合處理船)



mud barge(受泥船)

mud barge with bottom door(底門式受泥船)

mud barge without bottom door(無底門受泥船)

self-dumping mud barge(自傾式受泥船)

self-inverting mud barge(翻轉式受泥船)



leveling by furnish(投入整平)

leveling by gravity(重力整平)

leveling by horizontal force(水平力整平)

leveling by pull leveling-plate(整平板拖曳)

leveling by rubble bed(拋石整平)

leveling by tug leveling-plate(整平板拖航)

leveling by vertical force(垂直力整平)

leveling by vertical vibration(垂直振動整平)

leveling by vibrate leveling-plate(整平板振動)

rubble bed leveling craft(整平船)

underwater bulldozer(水中推土機)


caisson dock launching(沉箱渠下水)

caisson launching(沉箱下水)

end process method(端進法安放)

floating dock launching(浮塢下水)

insert process method(嵌入法安放)

jump process method(跳島式安放)

lifting platform launching(升降台下水法)

slip-way launching(滑道下水)




basin facilities(水域設施)

calmness of basin(水域靜穩度)

harbor entrance channel(港口航道

lighter's wharf(shallow draft quay,小型船停船場)

mooring basin(繫船用泊地)


squat of ship(船體下沈)

stopping distance(船舶停止距離)

timber basin(儲木池)


turning basin(迴船池)

under keel clearance(餘裕水深)

waterway(航 道)

water depth of waterway(航道水深)



amenity-oriented seawall(親水性護岸)

bank (levee,dike, embankment,堤防)





outer facilities(外廓設施)


seawall (revetment, bulkhead,護岸

training jetty(導流堤)


artificial harbor(人工港)

artificial island port(人工島港)

canal port(運河港)

closed harbor(閉口港)

commercial harbor(商港)

commercial harbor area(商港港區)

domestic port(國內港)

estuary harbor(河口港)

export port(出口港)

fishery port(漁港)

fishery port area(漁港港區)

free port(自由港)

free port zone(自由港區)

hatch harbor(遊艇港)

ice free harbor(不凍港)

import port(進口港)

industrial harbor(工業港)

inner harbor(內港)

international port(國際港)

lake port(湖港)

liner port(定期船港)

lumber harbor(木材港)

military harbor(軍港)

natural harbor(天然港)

open harbor(開口港)

outer harbor(外港)

port of call(靠港港)

port of entry(通關港)

port of regular calling(定期靠港港)

quarantine port(檢疫港)

rail delivery port(鐵路連絡港)

rail delivery district(鐵路連絡港區)

refuge port(避難港)

river port(河港)

safe port(安全港)

sea port(海港)

tourist port(觀光港)

tramper port(不定期船港)

transit harbor(轉運港)

yacht area(遊艇港區)

波  力

added mass(附加質量)

added mass coefficient(附加質量係數)

back flow(後流)

boundary layer(邊界層)

breaking wave force(碎波力)

diffraction force(繞射波力)

drag force(抗力)

drift force(波漂流力)

form drag(形狀抵抗)

formulas of wave pressure(作用於垂直璧的波壓公式)

Goda`s wave pressure formula(合田波壓公式)

Hiroi`s formula(廣井公式)

horse-shoe vortex (馬蹄形渦)

incident wave force(入射波力)

inertia force(慣性)

inertia coefficient,mass coefficient,慣性係數,質量係數)

inline force (正向力)

Karman's vortex (Karman's vortex street, Karman渦列, Karman)

Keulegan-Carpenter Number(KC)

Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem (Kutta-Joukowski理論)

lateral force(lift force,側向力,揚力)

lateral force coefficient (lift force coefficient,側向力係數)

Minikin`s formula (Minikin公式)

Morison equation (Morison公式)

Reynolds Number(雷諾數)

Sainflou`s formula (Sainflou波壓公式)

scattering force(散射波力)


separation point(剝離點)

separation vortex(剝離渦)

Strouhal Number (Strouhal)

types of wave act on vertical wall(作用於垂直璧的波壓種類)

viscous resistance(粘性抵抗)

wake (trailing vortex, 後流渦)

wave exciting force(波強制力)

wave force (波力)

wave making resistance force(造波抵抗力)

wave pressure(波壓)


bed load (底質)

beach sand(灘砂)

mean diameter (mean grain size,平均徑粒)

median grain size (中央粒徑)

mixed grain size(混合粒徑)

mud (bottom mud,底泥 )

mud flat(泥灘)

grain size (particle diameter, 粒徑)

grain size accumulation curve (粒徑累積曲線,粒徑分佈)

grain size Reynolds number (粒子Reynolds)

sea gravel(海砂礫)

sea sand(海砂)

sorting (篩選)

sorting coefficient (篩檢係數)


estuary (river mouth, 河口)

river-mouth bar (河口砂洲)

river-mouth dune (河口砂堆,river-mouth-bank)

river-mouth closing (河口淤塞)

river-mouth cross-section (河口斷面)

minimum river-mouth cross-section (河口最小斷面)


beach drift (海灘漂砂)

beach process (海灘變形)

beach process induced by littoral drift (沿岸漂砂引起海灘變形)

beach process induced by on-off shore sand drift (垂直岸線方向海灘變形)

complete movement of littoral sand (漂砂全面移動)

critical depth for sand drift (臨界移動水深)

critical tractive force (臨界推移力)

critical water depth for complete movement of littoral sand (漂砂全面移動臨界水深)

critical water depth for initial movemont of littoral sand (漂砂初期移動臨界水深)

critical water depth for surface layer movement of littoral sand (漂砂表層移動臨界水深)

initial movemont of littoral sand (漂砂初期移動)

littoral drift (沿岸漂砂)

littoral sediment transport rate(沿岸漂砂量)

on-off shore sediment movement (離向岸漂砂)

predominant direction of littoral drift (漂砂卓越方向及其判別法)

rate of littoral transport (漂砂量)

rate of suspended sediment transport (浮遊砂量)

saltation (躍動砂)

sand drift system (漂砂現象)

sand drift (漂砂)

sediment cloud (漂砂雲)

source of littoral drift (漂砂之供給來源)

surface layer movement of littoral sand (漂砂表層移動)

suspended load (wash load,浮遊砂)

suspended load transport (浮遊漂砂)

suspended sediment concentration (浮遊砂濃度)

tractive force (推移力)

tractive load (bed load,推移砂)

wind-blown sand (飛砂)



Abyssal plain(海洋平原)


bed material(海底物質)

continental shelf(大陸棚)

continental slope(大陸棚斜面)

deep sea fan(深海扇形地)

deep sea floor(大洋底)

marine sediments(海底堆積物)



ripple (砂漣)

sea bottom slope(海底坡度)


sand waves砂波(砂波)

submarine resources(海底資源)

submarine topography(海底地形)




abrasion platform(海蝕台, submarine bench)

alluvial fan(扇形地)

alluvial plain(沖積平原)

arc-shaped sand bar(弧形砂洲)

arcuate delta(弧形三角洲)


barrier island (barrier beach,外海砂洲)


bay mouth bar(灣口砂洲)

beach cusp(海灘尖嘴)


birds foot delta(鳥爪狀三角洲)

coast of coral reef(珊瑚礁海岸)

coast of delta(三角洲海岸)

coast of emergence(隆起海岸)

coast of sand dune(砂丘海岸)

coast of submergence(下陷海岸)

coastal plain(海岸平原)

coastal terrace(海岸段丘)

coastal topography(海岸平面地形)

coral reef(珊瑚礁)

compound coast(合成海岸)


cuspate delta(尖形三角洲)

cuspate spit(舌狀砂洲)



fault coast(斷層海岸)


infralittoral zone(潮下帶)


intertidal zone (tideland, 潮間帶)


large cusp(大尖嘴)

longshore bar(沿岸砂洲)

mediolittoral zone(中潮帯)



pocket beach(袋灘)

rampart (壁壘)


river estuary(河口潮口)

river mouth(河口)

river mouth bar(河口砂洲)

rocky coast (岩石海岸, rocky shore)

sand bar in nearshore(海岸附近砂洲)

sand dune(砂丘, dune)

sand ripple(砂漣, ripple)

sand spit(砂嘴)

sea cave(海蝕洞)

sea cliff(海崖)


storm bench(暴風台)

supralittoral zone(潮上帶)

tidal inlet(感潮口)


volcanic coast(火山海岸)

wave-built terrace(堆積台

wave cut bench(波蝕台)

wave furrow(波蝕溝)




abrasion platform(海蝕台)

advancing coast(前進性海岸)

artificial coast (人工海岸)

artificial nourishment method (sand fill method, 養灘工法)

artificial reef works(人工礁工法)

barrier reef (堡礁)

beach erosion(海岸侵蝕)

beach stabilizing method(安定海灘工法)

brackish water region(氣水域)

characteristics of coastal zone(沿岸域特性)


coastal facilities(海岸設施)

coastal forest(海岸林)

coastal landscape(海岸景觀)

coastal process(海岸過程)

coastal zone (沿岸域, coastal region)

countermeasure woks against coastal erosion(海岸侵蝕防治工法)

detached breakwater method(離岸堤工法)

functions of coastal zone(沿岸域功能)

gentle slope revetment works(緩坡度護岸工法)

gravel coast(礫石海岸)

groin works(突堤工法)

headland defense works(頭堤工法)

hem reef (fringing reef ,裙礁)

improvement facilities for coastal environment(海岸環境保育設施)

littoral drift control facilities(漂砂防制設施)

natural coast(自然海岸)

retreating coast (retrograding coast, 後退性海岸)

ring reef (環礁, atoll)

river mouth control facilities(河口處理設施)

rocky coast(岩石海岸)

sand and gravel coast(砂礫海岸)

sand bypassing method(砂繞道工法)

shell sand coast(貝殼海岸)

shallow beach(遠淺海岸)

storm surge zone(暴潮域)

sub-sand filter system(灘漂砂制衡工法)

supplement facilities(附帶設施)

tsunami control facilities(海嘯防制設施)

value of coastal zone(沿岸域價值)

wave and strom surge control facilities(波浪暴潮防制設施)

wind-blown snad and splash control facilities(飛砂飛沫防制設施)

wave-cut bench(波蝕棚)



Coriolis force (Coriolis )

planetary wave(Rossby wave, planetary Rossby wave,行星波)

Kelvin wave (Kelvin)

surface variation due to long period waves

 (low-frequency surface variation,長週期水位變動)



arrival time of tsunami(海嘯到達時間)

rank of tsunami magnitude(海嘯規模級數)

far field tsunami (遠地海嘯, distant tsunami)

inverse propagation diagram of tsunami(海嘯傳播圖)

inundation height(trace of tsunami height,海嘯痕跡高度)

mechanism of tsunami generation(海嘯發生機制)

near field tsunami(近地海嘯)

propagation diagram of tsunami(海嘯傳播圖)


tsunami height(海嘯高度)

tsunami runup(海嘯溯上)

tsunami runup height(海嘯溯上高度)

tsunami source area(海嘯發生源域)





storm surge forecast(暴潮預報)

storm surge(暴潮)

storm tide (潮位偏差, sea level departure from normal)

water surface setup induced by atmospheric pressure(氣壓降低引起水位上昇)

water surface setup induced by wind blow(風吹動引起水位上昇)



coastal boundary current(沿岸邊界流)

cold‐core ring(冷水塊)

cold current(寒流)


EL Ninõ(聖嬰) 

El Niño-Southern Oscillation(聖嬰南方振動, ENSO

equatorial countercurrent(赤道反流)

gulf stream(灣流)

Kuroshio countercurrent(黑潮反流)

Kuroshio current(黒潮)

Kuroshio large meander(黒潮大蛇行)

La Niña(反聖嬰)

meandering of Kuroshio(黑潮蛇行)

ocean current(洋流)

oceanic general circulation(海洋大循環)

Oyashio Current(潮)

sinking current(補流)

subtropical countercurrent(亜熱帯反流)

warm‐core ring(溫水塊)

warm current(暖流

western boundary current(西岸邊界流)

wind-induced circulation(風成循環流)

海  灘

artificial beach(人工海灘)

artificial recharge(人工涵養)

backshore (後灘, back beach)


beach process(海灘過程)

beach with longshore bar(砂洲型海灘)

beach without longshore bar(階梯型海灘)



continuous nourishment method(連續供砂法)

equilibrium profile(平衡海灘)

foreshore (前灘, beach face)

gravel beach (礫灘, shingle beach)

longshore bar(沿岸砂洲)

mud flat(泥灘)

natural beach (自然海灘, natural shore)

normal beach(正常海灘)


ordinary berm(前徑灘)

sand and gravel beach(砂礫灘)

sandy beach(砂灘)

sand fill (養灘, artificial beach nourishment)


shore face (外灘, inshore)

shore profile (beach profile, 海灘斷面)

stable beach(安定海灘)


storm beach(暴風海灘)

storm berm(後徑灘)

summer beach(夏型海灘)

winter beach(冬型海灘)



circulation in bay(灣內循環流)

component current (分潮流,constituent of tidal current)

current ellipse (潮流橢圓)

diurnal current(日週潮流)

ebb current(退潮流)

flood current(漲潮流)

harmonic analysis(調和分析)

harmonic constant(調和常數)

residual current (恆流, permanent current)

semi-diurnal current(半日週潮流)

slack tide (憩流, slack water)

tidal current(潮流)

tidal current hodograph (潮流圖表, tidal current diagram and table)

tidal current velocity(潮流速度)

tidal residual flow(潮汐殘差流)

turn of tidal current(轉流)


buoyant jet (密度噴流, forced plume)

density current (密度流, stratified flow)

density interface(密度界面)

density stratification(密度成層)

densimetric Froude number (內部Froude, 密度Froude)

free jet(自由噴流)

interface drag coefficient (界面阻力係數)

internal boundary interface(內部邊界面)

internal critical depth(內部臨界水深)

internal hydraulic jump(內部水躍)


overall Richardson number(層平均Richardson)

Richardson number (Richardson)

stratified density flow(密度成層流)



density current in estuary (stratified flow, 河口密度流)

estuarine basin(感潮域)

estuary two-layer flow(河口二層流)

flow at river mouth(河口流)

moderate mixing-type stratified flow(緩混合型河口密度流)

outflow from river mouth (河口流流放, discharge from estuary)

strong mixing-type stratified flow(強混合型河口密度流)

tidal prism(潮汐稜柱)

weakly mixing-type stratified flow(弱混合型河口密度流)


littoral current(海濱流)

longshore current(沿岸流)

coastal current(海岸流)

currents in nearshore(沿岸海流)

meandering current(蛇行流)

nearshore circulation(海濱循環流)

nearshore current system(海濱流系統)

onshore current(向岸流)

radiation stress(輻射應力)

rip current (離岸流, offshore current)

rip feeding current(離岸養流)

rip head(離岸流頭)



average of zero-up cross period(零上切週期分佈的平均值)

design wave height(設計波高)

distribution of period(週期分布)

distribution of wave height(波高分布)

extreme value distribution function(極值分佈函數)

joint of distribution of period and wave height(波高及週期的結合分布)

least square method(最小2乘法)

maximum likelihood estimation(最可能法)

moment method(力矩法)

narrow band spectrum(狹頻波譜)

plotting position formula(點繪公式)

probability density function(機率密度函數)

probability distribution of highest wave height(最大波高的機率分佈)

probability weighted moment method (機率加權力矩法,PWM method)

Rayleigh distribution of wave height(波高Rayleigh分佈)

relations between representative waves(代表波高間的關係)

return period(再現期)

selection of distribution function(分佈函數篩選)

theory of wave run(wave group(波連理論)

wave envelope(包絡波形)

wave with a return period of n years (n年機率波)


correction for bay mouth effect(灣口修正)

free oscillation(自由振動)

forced oscillation(強制振動)

harbor oscillation(灣水振動)

harbor paradox(港灣矛盾)

secondary undulation(副振動)




decay distance(衰減距離)

deformations of waves(波變形)


diffraction coefficient(繞射係數)

diffraction diagram(繞射圖)

diffraction theory(繞射理論)

diffracted wave(繞射波)

direction dispersion(方向分散)

height of run up(溯上高度)

overtopping rate(越波量)


permeated wave(透過波)


reflected wave(反射波)


refraction coefficient(折射係數)

refraction diagram(折射圖)


scattering wave(散射波)

shoaling coefficient(淺化係數)

Snell`s law (Snell法則)

velocity dispersion(速度分散)

viscous friction by permeated layer(底層滲透引起的粘性摩擦)

wave deformation induced by sea bed friction(海底摩擦引起波變形)

wave deformation by viscosity(粘性摩擦引起波變形)

wave overtopping(越波)

wave run up(波遡上)

zone of run up(溯上帶)



amplitude spectrum(振幅頻譜)

Bretschneider-Mitsuyasu spectrum (Bretschneider-Mitsuyasu )

component wave(成份波)

composed waves(合成波)

directional function(方向函數)

directional spectrum(方向譜)

energy transport(波能輸送)

FFT (高速Fourier變換)

multi-direction irregular waves(多方向不規則波)

Mitsuyasu-type directional function(光易型方向函數)

Niqust frequency(折入週頻率)

phase function(相位函數)

Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum (Pierson-Moskowitz )

power spectrum (頻譜密度,power spectral density, 頻率譜)


spectral width(波譜寬度)

spreading parameter(方向集中度參數)

uni-direction irregular waves(單方向不規則波)

wave energy(波能量)

wave number-frequency spectrum(波數角頻率譜)

wave number spectrum(波數譜)

wave spectrum(波譜)

zero-up cross method(零上切法)



development of wind waves in deep water(深海域風波的發達)

development of wind wave in shallow water(淺海風波的發達)

development of wind wave with moving wind area(移動風域內風波的發達)



generation of waves(波形成)

highest one-nth wave (1/n最大波)

highest one-nth wave height (1/n最大波高)

highest one-nth wave period (1/n最大波週期)

highest one-tenth wave (1/10最大波)

highest one-tenth wave height (1/10最大波高)

highest one-tenth wave period (1/10最大波週期)

highest one-third wave, significant wave (1/3最大波)

highest one-third wave height (significant wave height ,1/3最大波高)

highest one-third wave period (1/3最大波週期,significant wave period)

highest wave(最大波)

highest wave height(最大波高)

highest wave period(最大波週期)

hmean wave(平均波)

mean wave direction(平均波向)

mean wave height(平均波高)

mean wave period(平均週期)

minimum duration(最小吹送時間)

minimum fetch(最小吹送距離)

PNJ method (PNJ)

sheltering theory(遮蔽理論)

SMB method (SMB)

spectral method(波譜法)

swell forecast(湧浪)

wind wave(風波)

zero-down cross method(零下切法)

zero-up cross method(零上切法)



basic equation of currents in surf zone(碎波帶內流的基本公式)


breaking criteria (碎波臨界, breaking limit)

breaker index(碎波指標)

breaking bore(碎波段波)

breaking line(碎波線)

breaking point(碎波點)

collapsing breaker(崩潰波)

conditions of wave breaking(碎波條件)

Goda`s breaking limit (合田碎波臨界式)

Le Me`haute``s breaking limit (Le Me`haute`碎波臨界式)

Miche`s breaking limit (Miche碎波臨界式)

McCowan`s breaking limit (McCowan碎波臨界式)

nearshore current system (海濱流系統)

plunging breaker(捲入波)

radiation stress(輻射應力)

spilling breaker(溢出波)


surf beat(浪打)

surf similarity parameter(碎波帶相似參數)

surf zone(碎波帶)

surging breaker(洶湧)

types of breaker(碎波形式)

wave set-down(平均水位下降)

wave set-up(平均水位上昇)



advection term(移流項)

advective diffusion equation(移流擴散方程式)

Bernoulli`s equation (Bernoulli方程式)

Boussinesq equation (Boussinesq 方程式)

Burgers equation (Burgers方程式)

boundary condition on fixed impermeable bed(不透水固定邊界條件)

centrifugal force(離心力)

characteristic curves method (特性曲線法)

continuous equation (連續方程式)

Coriolis factor (Coriolis)

dynamical boundary condition on free surface(自由水面動力學邊界條件)

energy balance equation(能量平衡方程式)

energy conservation equation(能量守恆方程式)

Euler`s description (Euler描述)

Euler's equation of motion (Euler運動方程式)


Helmholtz equation (Helmholtz方程式)

KdV equation (Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)方程式)

kinematic boundary condition on free surface(自由水面運動學邊界條件)

Lagrange`s description (Lagrange描述)

Lagrange equation (Lagrange運動方程式)

law of mass conservation (質量守恆法則)

linear boundary condition on still water(自由水面線性邊界條件)

mild slope equation(緩坡度方程式)

momentum equation (動量方程式)

parabolic mild slope equation(拋物線型緩坡度方程式)

pseudo boundary conditions (假想邊界條件)

Navier-Stokes equation (Navier-Stokes 方程式)

non-linear Schrodinger equation (NLS equation,非線性Schrodinger方程式)

stream function method(流函數法)

time-dependent mild slope equation(非定常緩坡度方程式)


wave ray method(波向線法)



apogean tide(遠地點潮)

co-oscillating tide(共振潮汐)

diurnal tide(全日潮)

double day tide(日雙潮)


equatorial tides(赤道潮)

equinoxtial tide(分點潮)


internal tide(內部潮汐)

lunar tide(太陰潮)

mixed tide(混合潮)

nodical tide(交點潮

perigean tides(近地點潮)

pole tide(極潮汐)

semidiurnal tide(半日潮)

shallow water constituent(淺海潮)

single day tide(日單潮)

solar tide(太陽潮)

solstical tide(至點潮)

stand (平潮, 停潮)

surface tide(表面潮汐)

tropic tide(回歸潮)

type of tide(潮型


age of the moon(月齡)

age of tide(潮齡)

amphidromic point(無潮點

anomalistic month(近點月)

ascending node(昇交點)

astronomical constants(天文常數)

autumnal equinox(秋分點)


celestial sphere(天球)

celestial poles(天極)

celestial equator(天球赤道)


co-range line(等潮差線)

cotidal chart(同潮時圖)

cotidal line(同潮時線)

daily retardation(潮遲率)

diurnal inequality(日潮不等)


descending node(降交點)

eclipse year(蝕年)


equilibrium theory(平衡潮汐理論)

equilibrium tides(平衡潮)


full moon(,滿月)

great circle(大圈)

head of tide(潮頭)

high water interval(高潮間隙)

hour circle(時圈

low water interval(低潮間隙)

lunitidal interval(月潮間隙)

moon's path(白道)

neap range(小潮差)

neap rise(小潮昇)

neap tide(小潮)

new moon(,新月)

nodical month(交點月, dracontic month

obliquity of ecliptic(黃赤交角)


right ascension(赤經)

rotary current(旋轉流)


sidereal month(恆星月)

solar day(太陽日)

spring range(大潮差)

spring rise(大潮昇)

spring tide(大潮)

summer solstice(夏至點)

synodic month(朔望月)

tidal day(潮日)

tidal range(潮差)

tidal wave(潮波)

tide curve(潮位曲線, marigram

tropical month(回歸月)

vernal equinox(春分點)

winter solstice(冬至點)



abnormal sea level (異常潮位,unusual sea level)

bench mark(水準點)

datum line(基本水準面)

full moon water level(望潮位)

high water (滿潮,高潮)

higher high water(高高潮)

highest high water level(最高高潮位)

higher low water(高低潮)

low water (乾潮, 低潮) 

lower high water(低高潮)

lower low water(低低潮)

lowest low water level(最低低潮位)

mean water level(平均水位)

mean tide level(平均潮位)

mean higher high water springs(平均朔望高潮位, MHHWS

mean high water springs(平均大潮高潮位, MHWS

mean high water neaps(平均小潮高潮位, MHWN

mean higher high water(平均較高高潮位, MHHW

mean high water(平均高潮位, MHW

mean high water interval(平均高潮間隔)

mean low water(平均低潮位, MLW

mean lower low water(平均較低低潮位, MLLW)

mean lower low water springs(平均朔望低潮位, MLLWS

mean low water springs(平均大潮低潮位, MLWS

mean low water neaps(平均小潮低潮位, MLWN

new moon water level(朔潮位)

mean tidal range(平均潮差)

past highest high water level(過去最高潮位)

past lowest low water level(過去最低潮位)

tide staff(水尺)



harmonic analysis(調和分析)

lunar diurnal tide(主太陰日週潮)

lunar semidiurnal tide(主太陰半日週潮)

solar semidiurnal tide(主太陽半日週潮)

lunar solar diurnal tide(日月合成日週潮)

harmonic constants of tide(調和常數)

table of tidal constituent(分潮一覽表)

component tide(分潮, constituent)

non-harmonic constants(非調和常數)



Airy wave (Airy)

astronomical tide(天文潮)


capillary wave(表面張力波)

carrier wave(搬運波)

Cauchy-Poisson wave(擴展波)

chopping waves(瘋狗浪)

classification of wave by water depth(依水深分類波浪)

classification of wave by progression of wave profile(依波形的進行性分類波浪)

classification of wave by period(依週期分類波浪)

classification of wave by analysis theory(依解析理論分類波浪)

classification of wave by regularity(依波浪對時間的規則性)

Cnoidal wave(橢圓波)

deep water wave(深海波)

edge wave(邊緣波)

envelope wave(包絡波)

extreme wave(極大波)

finite amplitude wave(有限振幅波)

free shelf wave(自由陸棚波)

hyperbolic wave(雙曲線波)

interfacial waves(界面波)

internal wave(內部波)

long period wave(長週期波)

long wave(長波)

meteorological tide(氣象潮)

modulated waves(變頻波)

partial clapotis (部分重複波)

perfect clapotis (完全重複波)

progressive wave(進行波)

pure beat(純浪打)

pyramid wave(三角波)

shallow water wave(淺海波)

shelf wave(陸棚波)

ship waves(船跡波)

short crest waves (短峰波,鑽石波, 斜向重複波)

small amplitude wave(微小振幅波)

solitary wave(孤立波)

standing wave (駐波,clapotis, 重複波)

Stokes wave (Stoke)

surf beat(浪打)

surface wave(表面波)

trochoidal wave(餘擺波)





angular frequency(角週頻率)

dispersion relation(分散關係式)

effective period(有效週期)

effective wave length(有效波長)

energy transport(波能輸送)


group velocity(群速度)

group wave(群波)

head waves(正向波)

irregular wave(不規則波)

long wave paradox(長波矛盾)


modulational instability(變頻不安定)


oblique waves(斜向波)

regular wave(規則波)

relative depth(相對水深)

secondary wave peak (2次波峰)


tail waves(背向波)

velocity potential(速度勢)


wave celerity(波速)

wave crest(波峰)

wave crest line(波峰線)

wave direction(波向)

wave height(波高)

wave length(波長)

wave packet(波袋)

wave period(週期)

wave profile(波形)

wave profile steepness(波形尖銳度)

wave ray(波向線)

wave run(波連, wave group)

wave train(波列)

wave trough(波谷)

white cap(白浪, white horse)

wind area(風域)